Barbed Devil


Oh the Barbed Devil. I never thought  the first monster I talked about on this blog would be the Barbed Devil. But, the recent rediscovery of this fiend sparked the idea to make my first blog post about it. Anyways, the Barbed Devil is not a creature you want to encounter at a low level, even if your in a party of five. Both deadly and perceptive, they can be a massive problem for a group of players. With all that said, lets talk about it’s stats.

The stat that catches my eye the most is its Strength. With a Strength of 16 (+3) the Barbed Devil has a decent chance of it’s attacks landing, assuming that it rolls above a 13 on his attacks. In addition to having a Strength skill of 16 (+3), it has an additional +3 on its Strength Saving Throws (for a total of +6). This means that these creatures are very difficult to grapple or subdue in any way. Then again, chances are you wouldn’t want to grapple a Barbed Devil due to its Barbed Hide, which deals 1d10 damage, at the start of the Barbed Devil’s turn, to any creature touching it.

In addition to a high Strength skill, this fiend is also immune to all forms of fire and poison. So guess what guys! You know all those magic items that have fire and poison abilities?!?! Well, you might as well go get your money back from the shop keep you bought them from, because, they won’t help! Annoying right? And if that wasn’t enough of a pain, I’ve got news for all the rouges out there. YOU CAN’T HIDE FROM A BARBED DEVIL!!!

Okay, maybe that was a bit much. But with passive perception of 18, and it’s perception skill having a bonus of +8, chances are you’re not sneaking up on these guys. Guess you could say they’re a real, “thorn in your side”….. Get it…. cause they’re covered in giant thorns…. Eh, I know. That’s a lame joke.

Last thing about these creatures, that I’m going to mention, is that they are telepathic. Meaning that Barbed Devils can talk to each other without you knowing, so chances are if you are spotted by one of them, every enemy creature within 120 ft is going to know that you are there.

Note: If I missed anything about the Barbed Devil, or got anything wrong, feel free to email me. Also, please remember that all the information above is the base info from the 5th Edition Monster Manual, and there is a chance that your DM may change some of the stats or abilities to suit their campaign. That being said, hope you found this information useful. I’ll post again soon! In the meantime, stay frosty and throw well.

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